• Mathin1minute tilgjengelig på AppStore og Google Play
Matematikk appen finnes nå til Apple og Android enheter
• Available on AppStore and Google Play
You can now download Mathin1minute at AppStore and Google Play
Feedback? Please contact us at support@mathin1minute.com
"Math in 1 minute" is short explanatory videos (from 20 seconds) that can help you remember (and understand) the basic topics in mathematics.
Finally - a useful app!
Here you can find explanations of calculations that may be appropriate from elementary school to high school. Here is almost everything, from the simplest math to the math that is somewhat difficult, explained in an easy and fast way.
This provides a unique opportunity to carry this knowledge everywhere and thus could bring help just when you need it.
This may be your best option to keep calculations to a lesson on a test, a graduation, or a situation that could affect your grades in the subject.
This should have been a mandatory tool for all teachers, parents and all others who help children with math.